Discover the greaser gang: the greaser gang is a team of greased up and chilled out rulers of the food court who put the fast in fast food. Greaser gang collection pack includes 8 botbots figures: 2 from the greaser gang and 6 from other themed teams! Series 1 8-pack greaser gang characters are Shredder Jack, duderoni, s'up Dawg, Spud Muffin, Angry cheese, Haw diggity, fottle Bart's, and twerple burple! Please note that not all greaser gang characters can be found in the 8-pack assortment. Also look for other greaser gang characters in blind bag assortment E3487 and 5-pack assortment E3486 (ea
Fun unboxing surprise: hidden behind each red bubble is a surprise botbots character just waiting to pop out! Reveal the mystery lost bots figure waiting inside in 3 easy steps: rip, flip, pop! Look for other botbots series 1 assortments (each sold separately, subject to availability) to build a collection of botbots toys to discover, play with, trade, and share! 61 characters in all! Lots to collect and 1 hidden character to discover inside each pack. Which botbots character is gonna pop out!?